Tag Archives: Islam

Bajram Šerif Mubarek Olsun!

Kurban Bajram, known as Eid al-Adha to the rest of the world, was last weekend and I do feel obliged to make a post about it.  I’ve been avoiding this because (a) a lot happened and I’m a bad story-teller, (b) I’ve been editing my college applications, (c) I’ve been actively procrastinating on my history […]

Gazi Huzrev-begova Medresa

On Tuesday night I was once again sitting in front of my peers and talking about myself and my life in America.  This time, however, there was a slight twist.  We (SHAKE) weren’t at Druga Gimnazija or at the Embassy; we were in a classroom at the Gazi Huzrev-begova Medresa.  For those of you who […]

September 11, 2012

September 11 is a date forever ingrained in my generation’s minds.  Even though we are almost too young to remember it, the events of that day have quietly molded our lives into what is known as “The Post-9/11 Era.”   Because I was living in Upper Michigan at the time, in theory I was untouched by […]