Tag Archives: gratitude

The Power of Patience and Kindness

Since being abroad, I have realized the magnitude of kind actions and patience.  The fate of my mood relies greatly on the attitude of those I interact with on a daily basis, and the positive experiences are what inspire me to persevere in learning Bosnian.  Of course, on the flip side, when people treat me […]

Bajram Šerif Mubarek Olsun!

Kurban Bajram, known as Eid al-Adha to the rest of the world, was last weekend and I do feel obliged to make a post about it.  I’ve been avoiding this because (a) a lot happened and I’m a bad story-teller, (b) I’ve been editing my college applications, (c) I’ve been actively procrastinating on my history […]

Happy World Teacher’s Day! Here’s to You

Today is World Teacher’s Day.  Therefore, we have no classes as a small gesture of gratitude toward those influential adults who have watched us grow, educated us on everything from shapes and colors to the unification of Germany, miseducated us on topics such as Christopher Columbus, pressured us, taught us poise and grace under pressure, […]